View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000266VisualDifferFiles differpublic2015-08-16 10:30
Reportersigalakos Assigned Toadmin  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
PlatformOS XOS10.10.5OS Version10.10.5
Product Version1.6.4 
Summary0000266: Compare .strings, .plist binary files
DescriptionI often compare localized .strings files in Software, but as those files are binary, I need to either run plutil to convert them to XML or open them in BBEdit. Please consider adding the ability to compare binary files like plists and .strings files natively through VisualDiffer.
TagsNo tags attached.



2015-08-16 10:30

administrator   ~0000553

Last edited: 2015-08-16 10:30

I like this idea, I hope to implement it very soon.

Thanks for your feedback

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-08-16 00:07 sigalakos New Issue
2015-08-16 00:07 sigalakos Status new => assigned
2015-08-16 00:07 sigalakos Assigned To => admin
2015-08-16 10:29 admin Severity minor => feature
2015-08-16 10:30 admin Note Added: 0000553
2015-08-16 10:30 admin Note Edited: 0000553