View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000350VisualDifferFolders differpublic2022-02-25 14:37
Reporterhopkins802 Assigned Toadmin  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0000350: Move Entire Folder Structure At Root
DescriptionHello, I'm trying to move an entire folder structure, which contains several other folders within it, to another drive. When I do this, it seems like VisualDiffer always separates the folders out during the copy. Is there a tutorial / page I can read how to do this?

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2022-02-25 13:10

administrator   ~0000727

> it seems like VisualDiffer always separates the folders out during the copy

May you show a screenshot? I don't understand what is the final result.

VisualDiffer moves folders/files side by side


2022-02-25 14:37

reporter   ~0000728

Ahh, I just figured it it. All set!

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-02-24 22:42 hopkins802 New Issue
2022-02-24 22:42 hopkins802 Status new => assigned
2022-02-24 22:42 hopkins802 Assigned To => admin
2022-02-25 13:10 admin Note Added: 0000727
2022-02-25 14:37 hopkins802 Note Added: 0000728